Rocha Trucking & Parking, Inc is a trusted provider of specialized transportation and warehouse services in Southern California. Our state-of-the-art warehouse facilities are equipped to meet your storage and distribution needs!
We are conveniently located by the Mexicali border and have availability in appointments all year around for large, medium, or small storing.
Warehouse Storage
Our CTPAT Certified warehouses sits on a gated 6 acre yard dedicated to Rocha Trucking & Parking clients. Our ample space of 12,000 square feet is excellent for storing and protecting your goods, including oversized and heavy items. Our facilities are equipped with advanced security systems to ensure the safety of our warehouse. Conveniently located by the Mexicali and Calexico border, our warehouse is the closest and safest location you can arrive to by the border area.
Ship and Receive
We offer seamless shipping and receiving services for our clients' merchandise. We are equipped to handle oversized and heavy items, ensuring that your goods arrive at our warehouse safely and on time. Our experienced team will work closely with you to help coordinate the shipping and receiving of your merchandise through our appointment system.
Inventory and Reports
At Rocha Trucking & Parking, Inc., we understand the importance of accurate inventory management and reporting. That's why we ensure that your goods are tracked and accounted for at all times. We help you in real-time with services such as rental of warehouse space or appointment for freight arrival or merchandise pick-up, providing you with instant access to our warehousing storing facilities and our inventory capacity levels at the time of arrival.
Cross Docking
Rocha Trucking & Parking offers cross-docking services to help our clients maximize efficiency. Our warehouse has advanced equipment including forklifts and cranes to help facilitate the movement of goods from one truck to another, minimizing the need for warehousing and reducing transit times. However, if needed you can request a quote for storage. Our experienced team will work closely with you to coordinate the cross-docking of your merchandise, ensuring that your goods are transferred safely and efficiently.